Monday, April 11, 2005


At dinner tonight, Marsha admitted she is "not a domestic goddess." Understatement? Perhaps a tad. It happened after I had made a mediocre dinner (except for a great beet salad listed below) which included Artichokes boiled in Old Bay Seasoning, Ginger BBQ chicken and Broccoli. As we were discussing the trevails of our day, Queen Not-a-Martha-Stewart started pulling the 'choke apart, muttering something about getting to the good part. Now granted, eating an artichoke can sometimes be a pain in the ass, but if you're gonna just rip a $3 artichoke apart to get to the heart, wouldn't you just be better off buying a $1.69 can and enjoying every heart one by one while watching Desperate Housewives? But maybe I'm missing the point here? Looks like it's gonna be Spam for Marsha the rest of the week.

Lou's Ginger Beet Salad

3 beets, baked, peeled & sliced
1 1/2 orange, sliced & quartered
1/2 tsp. fresh ginger, diced
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. olive oil
salt & pepper

Wash the beets, slice off ends and wrap in tin foil. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes on a cookie sheet until a knife or fork pierces easily. Let cool and peel & slice. Combine all the other stuff and mix throughly. Chill, serve and remember you ate them the next day.


Blogger eric said...


what the hell is going on with the price of artichokes down there??? $3???? maybe i should bring some down from nor cal, and sell 'em at a stoplight for a steeeeep profit. now THAT would be monetizing.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Lou said...

I'll take a piece of that business~!

11:14 AM  

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