Which One are You?

A friend of mine was telling someone she works with about some "man issues" she was having. The co-worker - a hard-working, straight-to-business kinda lady - told her there are two kind of men in this world: Roosters and Chickens.
Rooster-men are the tough, straight, stand up to the task and don't take no caca from anybody kinda bird, while Chicken-men-- well, you get the idea.
So I started to wonder about myself. Which one am I? There are times that I can sure be a woosie, and periodically have an avoid-it-at-all-costs approach to things like Chinese food delivery men; but then there are other times when I'll jump in the ring and whoop the ass of anybody or anything that gets in my way.
So I guess, for the most part, I live in the unenviable position of in-between, an ever-changing battle between action and passivity -- kinda like that weird chick who channels that dead Macedonian guy.
I guess you could say that I was bi-poultry.
does that make you both a fryer AND a roaster?
metro sexual? heh
lame that i can't post as anything but annon here if i don't have an account.
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