I received this email from a friend and client currently on holiday. I wonder if he'll be placed on hold and talk to a guy named Sari in Indiana?
"My backpack, containing my Ibook, among other crucial items, arrived at our
astonishingly lavish room here at the
Oberoi Udaivilas 
having obviously been dropped in and maybe even, given the look of the thing, dragged through the dust. Not the condition with which I'd left it, along with the rest of our luggage (the steamer trunk, the 23 hat boxes and the canary cage), in the temporary care of the bell staff. I commented to **** at the time, "What the hell happened to this?" Then, later, when I repaired to the hotel bar for a martini, with my camera and Ibook in tow so that I could download my 100+ photos from our first day in Udaipur into said Ibook, the effing thing wouldn't work. Busted, evidently, in whatever unfortunate event befell my bag. Dropped from atop a camel, maybe? Although I didn't see the bellmen using camels to take the bags from the entry to the rooms. Anyway, the Oh Boy Oberoi general manager was summoned and after much head scratching and apologizing and me doing my best to maintain a mannerly demeanor, while still registering my displeasure with this state of affairs (the second, by this time, martini helped me stay calm-ish), it was determined that perhaps their in-house tech wizard might be able to get the thing to work again. He's coming this morning, evidently. There WILL be hell to pay if, along with the fact that I can no longer download my daily dozens and dozens of photos into my computer so that I can review the day's haul, one of the great pleasures of vacationing, in my view, the HUNDREDS of photos I've already downloaded are irretrievable. And I WILL shoot myself."
Two lessons here:
1) Don't give your computer to bellmen in India.
2) You never really stop being a writer, even if you do something else for a living.