Thursday, December 02, 2004

Frank Gehry

Originally uploaded by loomiswatoosi.
I have mixed feelings about Frank Gehry.

I was in Chicago the last couple of days for some work and had a few hours to walk around the city. The beautiful old architecture of the downtown area, coupled with the fact that people actually work and live there (less so in L.A.) makes it one of the great cities in our country.

The old, rusted bridges, the monumental skyscrapers from the turn of the century, All give you that sit down and have a cigar and onion rings feeling.

Off of Michigan Avenue, they've built a wonderful outdoor performance space, designed by Frank Gehry. Now, I love Disney Hall, and I must admit that it's pretty incredible to walk into this park and see the floating ribbons of stainless steel set against the green, green grass; but, look across Michigan Ave. at the old Public Library and the marble statues and you've gotta feel like this is a bit out of place. Perhaps that's what makes his architecture so inviting.

Then again, when you're in his buildings, you do feel joy.


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