Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Cost of Ownership

I was struck today by how stubborn some people can be. In particular, I was reminded of that great statistic where 41% of America thought Saddam Hussein had some hand in the 9/11 attacks, despite the fact that all reports indicated that there was no connection. Did people stick to this lie because they wanted to believe it, because it was easier to tuck away, or are they just lazy?

I don't believe people are that dumb. There's something far more manipulative going on, and it's getting out of control. I found this website which gives a general overview of Clear Channel Communications' political donations and other information. Now, everyone knows that Clear Channel is an altar boy to the conservative party (they flaunt it themselves and ally with others, like Fox's Newscorp) but as I scanned down page after page of radio stations they own (over 1,000) I thought about how many people were being fed the same story from a single voice.

It's not about conservative or liberal, republican or democrat. It's that our government and our people are becoming controlled by vast companies with their own directed agendas. Our definition and character as a nation is being packaged and sold, like soap or TV, by entities whose sole purpose is to make money. What's even more alarming is that these companies exist (on the surface) solely to entertain us -- to open our eyes and show us a good time. But all the while, they're telling the majority of people what to think and how to act. They're playing the parts our government used to take care of; producing instead a numbing, yet pleasurable, state of dependence.

How long can something like this go on before the show gets boring? Maybe Hitler was right when he said, "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."


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