Hobo's Popcorn

Orville Redenbacher did not die a poor man, and though he started his career selling popcorn grown on his farm, his products today contain a bunch of stuff that you don't really need to eat or pay for.
Here's a couple of popcorn recipes I came up with that are low-fat, healthy and cheap to make.
Lou's Hobo Popcorn
Get some good, plain old popcorn kernels (the yellow organics are really good) and some brown paper sandwich bags. If you're really saving your money, you can just ask the check-out people for some of the wine or "hot" bags.
Put 1/4 a cup or so of kernels in the bag. Fold the top down a couple of times so that it is sealed. Don't fold too low down or else the popcorn won't have anywhere to go. Place the bag in a microwave on it's side. Nuke for 1:30-2:30 depending on how old and small your microwave is. When you hear the popping stop, it's done.
Take the bag out and open it up. Smell. If it's burnt, throw it away, apologize to everyone around you, start over and use less time. If it's not a blackened mess, pour a mixture of either of the following into the bag, shake it up and dump in a bowl.
Hobo Mixture 1: Equal amounts of salt and sugar
Hobo Mixture 2: Pour some SPIKE seasoning in.
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