Independence Weekend

The Ice Cream Man returned to my neighborhood this weekend -- all clangy, droning repetitive music on a broken down 1960 converted mail-truck and all.
God I love America.
FOLLOW-UP July 7, 2005
I wrote an email over the weekend to the ChocoTaco people (Good Humor) in search of ChocoTaco retailers and they replied with this piece of post-modern depressionistic verbage that completely changed my attitude toward their company and, dare I say, Choco Taco itself.
"Thank you very much for contacting us regarding the availability of the Choco Taco.
This product is what we call an impulse item. It is only sold in single-serve sizes. You can find impulse items in
convenience stores, one-stop gas stations, and from the ice cream trucks that come through your neighborhood.
We do not have a listing of places that sell this type of product and unfortunately we do not have a service to sell
directly to the consumer.
Thank you"
-- Dear friends, the collective neighborhood has really taken a downward turn.
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