Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Letting Go

There have been a lot of things changing in my world lately -- the demolition of my house, moving into a new apartment; my son growing from an infant into a little boy.

This evening I particiapted in a business meeting where we basically ended a project and told everyone the product of our endeavours. We followed it up -- Hollywood style -- with a steak dinner at a posh Hollywood eaery.

On the way home from the dinner (which was filled with lively conversation between people from different cultures and businesses) I was driving home on Wilshire Boulevard when I hit a serious traffic jam. After 10 minutes of crawling, I saw the reason. A car had gotten T-boned coming out of a gas station and, from the fact that they closed off one of the major streets in L.A., someone must have died.

I thought about this poor soul's life being ended so quickly and this project ending; then my family, home asleep in bed -- safe. Sad that my ending a business project happened to coincide with someone's life ending -- but it made me appreciate everything I have (and have been given) and what I need to do with it.


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