Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My City Stinks

It's raining here in L.A. for the first time in 4 months. Started early this morning and has been slowly drizzling.

The first rain of the season always brings all the oil and dirt from cars and all the other crap we have in this great city up from the asphalt. It all flows in the sewer drain down toward the ocean. As I walked out of my apartment this morning, expecting to get that crisp, fresh smell of rain that you have in places like Alaska and Colorado, I was treated instead to an odor that reminded me of a Portapotty and a sulphur mine mixed together.

Thought maybe it was because we lived near the beach, but when I arrived at my office and stepped out of my HEPA filter installed car, it smelled the same.

Hope it rains some more.


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