Saturday, October 30, 2004

Tinted Glasses

I'm spending quite a bit of time these days printing photos. I must say, I am once again becoming attuned to the nuances of color. This evening, as I was printing a "B" sized photo of Marsha and Ben, I could not get rid of an all-encompassing tint of magenta that pushed everything out of whack. It came out of nowhere. No matter what, everything looked wrong -- yellow stripes went green, pimples became major skin defects. I tried everything -- shifting between profiles, re-calibrating the monitor and printer -- but nothing would make it better. Than I had a bright idea: change the cartridge. Sure enough, with the next print, everything returned to normal. Perhaps this is a lesson for life: when you've got a problem that won't go away after you've tried all the things you're supposed to do, try the most basic and drastic thing you can. It doesn't need to be so complicated. It's as simple as changing glasses, or, in this case, cartridges.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Past, Present and Future

This week I was reminded of how much these 3 states of time (and mind) mean to me. From the past, I re-connected with Bret and Eric Haller, old friends of mine I haven't seen in 10 years. They reminded me, without saying it, of where I come from. And then the eclipse, where, with each passing second, I was viewing something that had never been seen before...and would never be seen again. Each moment was like a frame of film passing by. And coming home to Benjamin, my son. I wonder about what kind of future he will have and think about the things I will do as his father; how my future with him will become his past when he grows up.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Eclipse

Originally uploaded by loomiswatoosi.
Here's a shot from last night's lunar eclipse. Pretty amazing stuff to watch in person, but also nice to capture on digital film.